Minowa Advocacia


A patent is a temporary title granted by the State, which gives its holder (individual or legal entity) exclusivity over an invention and the right to prevent third parties from producing, offering for sale, using, importing a product or process subject matter of the patent, without its consent.

In Brazil, the patent application must be filed with the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), a federal agency linked to the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, which will examine the patent application based on the provisions of Industrial Property Law No. 9279, of May 14, 1996.


The patent for invention will be valid for a period of 20 (twenty) years and the patent for a utility model for a period of 15 (fifteen) years from the date of filing.
O prazo de vigência não será inferior a 10 (dez) anos para a patente de invenção e a 7 (sete) anos para a patente de modelo de utilidade, a contar da data de concessão, ressalvada a hipótese de o INPI estar impedido de proceder ao exame de mérito do pedido, por pendência judicial comprovada ou por motivo de força maior. 


According to the Principle of Territoriality, enshrined by the CUP – Convention of the Union of Paris, the patent is valid only within the territorial limits of the country that grants the protection. 


  • patentability analysis;
  • writing of the patent document;
  • filing and follow-up of application processing;
  • national and international patent portfolio management;
  • analysis on the freedom of commercial exploitation of a product or process;
  • courses and lectures on patents;
  • drafting of contracts involving the assignment and licensing of patents.